Daily Routine (Substitute Assistant)

Bienvenue á la Salle 8!

Substitute: Be sure to read this entire page before your day begins so you can prepare any paper copies you may want for lesson times.

 Before meeting students outside at 8:20am for Supervision, collect the attendance from the office. Pull out the top bin of my 10 drawer trolley and set it on the train table before students come in.

Meet the students at the back doors at 8:20am. When the bell rings, students will begin to walk inside, my class will stand with you and go in last. Be sure to identify yourself as my substitute to them before the bell rings so they don't get confused. Walk students inside and have them change their shoes and hang their things.

Student sanitize their hands as they set down their snack on the rack inside the door.

Students will select a dry erase pocket from the bin and work quietly at their desk until O Canada. Don't forget to send the attendance to the office after everyone is in the room and settled.




( Sometimes Gym, refer to school day schedule. You teach their gym class in the gym. We are currently working on soccer, partner passing practice, then some free time to play.)

Collect students dry erase pockets. Go over School Day Schedule with the class located on the wall beside the projector screen area. Start with the school day. Refer to each different activity by the letter beside in French (A-G) and the title of the routine, have the students repeat after you.
(Ensure you have updated it, refer to schedule in the substitute binder.)


If you speak French, please go through the calendar, alphabet, shapes, numbers and colours with the class in French on the far wall. Go through any other resources hung in the room in French that you are comfortable with. 

If you do not speak French, please play some of the links on my page below for the students to sing along with

Français Oral Videos

Les couleurs


Les chiffres

Les parties du visage

Les jours et mois

Les formes

Je Suis Une Pizza

Le Printemps

Give the class a movement break before learning centers (this also gives you a chance to set them up).


Option 1: Set up learning centers in open spaces on the floor or at tables in their 3 learning groups. The resources for these centers are in labeled bins on the shelves under the word wall. The groups are on the board beside the school routine schedule. Assign one group Bingo (have them take turns calling the numbers in French), one group wooden letters, and the last number mats.  The students are familiar with these activities and should only need you to circulate and answer questions when they forget the numbers or letters in French. Instructions for each center is in each bin if you need them. 

Option 2: If there are a lot of students missing, or classroom management is an issue, play bingo in French as a whole class. Use the camera on my desk so they can follow along with you on the projector. Press the windows button and click on camera and it will come on the screen. Drag the screen to the right and it will transfer to the projector. The winner can pick a prize from the bin on the side. Play until snack time.

Option 3: Compete a French worksheet from the counter together as a whole class. Use the camera on my desk so they can follow along with you on the projector. Press the windows button and click on camera and it will come on the screen. Drag the screen to the right and it will transfer to the projector.

C. LE GOÛTER (9:40-9:55)
Have students wash their hands at the sink before eating.

(Videos for le goûter;  if you haven't used the Français orale above, use those now. Otherwise play any of these while they eat, reminding some not to forget to eat)

D. Get ready for recess (9:50/55-10:00)
Before recess, give students a chance to use the washroom.

D. LA RÉCRÉATION  (10:00-10:15)

Walk students outside and collect them after recess. We come in last so they don't get trampled by the older students.

E. LES CENTRES À JOUER (10:15-11:00)

Assign students to stations on the board ledge to the left of the projector screen. Clip the name clothes pins on the center sign they are assigned to. Students stay at their play center, there is no changing stations. Be sure the wooden blocks, lego and dollhouse are in an open area so students are spaced out. Play the song below when it is time to clean up.

F. 11:00-11:15 123 MADAME

Students will come to their circles on the carpet when finished tidying their center. We take a moment to review some French vocabulary as a group now. Then we sing our Au Revoir song. Ask the students to teach you. Spray everyone's hands and then they can begin to get ready for home.

G. 11:15-11:30 LA MAISON

At 11:15 begin getting ready to go home! How each student leaves is on the wall beside the door and on the wall above the lockers in the hallway. It is also in the sub binder.

Lunch is 11:30-12:30

Please see the office for all your afternoon duties.

Thank you so much for coming in for me!

Mme. Robins